A new you, A new life

Our Interview

Op. Dr. Gürhan Güngör Clinic

With our experienced team we offer you a full range of services in Obesity Surgery.

  • Dietician Support
  • 7/24 Patient Support
  • Professional Follow-up

If you want to see our other patients’ success stories you can check out my youtube channel.

General Information

What Do We Do in Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?

Details are in our video.

More instructive videos like this are available on our YouTube channel. Click here to check out our channel!


The surgical intervention with the highest scientific efficiency and success in the treatment of morbid obesity is

Our Interview

First week opinions of our patient coming from Germany

We had a short interview with our patient at the first week follow-up after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. She is really happy and she already lost 9 kilos after a week.

We wish you good luck in your new life.

#ObesitySurgery #ANewYou #SleeveGastrectomySurgery

“Living with obesity is much more riskier than obesity surgery.”



Let's Decide Together

Let's decide together which treatment method will benefit you after evaluating you.

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General Information

After Obesity Surgery;

  • You will have taken the greatest precaution against blood pressure, diabetes and heart diseases.
  • You will end the problem of excessive sweating.
  • You will give your body the freedom of movement.
  • You will feel more vigorous and powerful.
  • You will improve the quality of your life.
  • Your sleep apnea and snoring complaints will decrease significantly.

Let’s not forget; living with morbid obesity is many times more riskier than obesity surgery.

Our Team

İREM BAKIR - Dietician
GÜNAY GÜNGÖR - Coordinator
ÖZLEM BİLGİÇ - Assistant

Coming From You